Alois Alzheimer – Early Years
Early in the morning of June 14, 1864, little Aloysius was born to the notary Eduard Alzheimer and his second wife Theresia in Marktbreit at a site now called Ochsenfurter Straße 15a, the same place where the christening celebration was held. Ignaz Ruland, canon of Würzburg, baptized the child and Alois Alzheimer, curate at Sulzfeld, acted as godfather.
An early photograph showing Alois Alzheimer (on the right) at the age of two years with his mother Theresia brother Karl and sister Johanna.
Significant events in his life were his highschool examination in 1883 in Aschaffenburg, studies in Berlin, Tübingen und Würzburg, where he wrote his doctoral thesis ”Über die Ohrenschmalzdrüsen“ (On Ceruminal Glands) in 1888, providing his first histologic plates.